October 15, 2008

Our Land!

A few weeks ago Cheyenne and I acquired 5.8 acres of land in Cedar Hill, TN! Cedar Hill is between Pleasant View and Springfield. We are very excited and hope to start building in the spring, but that will also depend on when we sell our house and how the economy is doing at the time. It's only 33 miles from downtown, so it will take Cheyenne and I the same amount of time to drive to work that it does now. Plus, it's only 12 miles from Granny! :)

In the meantime Cheyenne has been busy mowing and weedeating his little heart out. Needless to say, he is in heaven! We're very excited about this as there is no one on one side of us, behind us, or in front of us. There is one lone house to the right of the land, but they are tucked back a ways on their land, so you can hardly see them from our property.

Here are some pictures of the land, although it's just land, so it's hard to have a lot of good pictures that really show it well.

If you're driving down Ridge Road, you'll go around a curve. This is the beginning of that curve and our property. The driveway will most likely be here.

We have a ton of road frontage! Here's a view from the road. We plan to put the house far back on the property. It it were built now, it would be in the right corner of this picture.

Here is the view if you are standing in the back of the property and looking out toward the road. See how there is nothing on the land across the street? That's awesome! We know one day there probably will be something there, but right now it's zoned as agriculture, so I think we're safe for awhile.

Here's another part of the road in front of the land. Our land is on the right of the road....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:40 PM

    We are so excited for you!! It will be great having you so close to Clarksville - & Granny's. Hopefully, that house will go up in no time & you'll be all settled in. Hey, we'll get to see more of you when we visit Clarksville! Do you have house plans yet?
    Love you guys.
