On Tuesday, February 5th, Union University was hit by an F4 tornado. The damage to Union was major, however, there was no loss of life. Once you see the pictures, you'll understand what a miracle that is. I never thought I could be so affected by something like this. If you had told me I would be so upset for my dear Union after something like this I wouldn't have believed you. Now that it has happened though I have experienced nothing but heartache for my old school. I've been pouring over every news report, every news story. I've been stalking the Jackson Sun newspaper sight as well as the UU Recovery sight for any new information. My heart breaks for my school and everyone that is there, yet at the same time my heart rejoices for the lives that were spared. It is amazing to me that no one died in this tornado and it just furthers my faith in my Lord who could be so generous and spare everyone at Union. How great is our Lord!!!
This is the aerial shot of the women's dorms, Hurt Complex.

The end of this building, the bottom floor is Patton 1, my room my Senior year. This is also the place where me and my friend Amy Getzen took cover during the tornado that hit Union in 2002. This picture breaks my heart and scares me at the same time. When we went through the tornado in '02 we were terrified! I cannot even begin to imagine how the students felt on Tuesday.

The end of this building, or the end of this pile of rubble is Wingo 11, my room my freshman year. Wow.....

This was the Hurt Commons after the tornado in 2002. There were huge floor to ceiling windows that were blown out. Back then it seemed like a lot of damage....

This is Hurt commons after Tuesday's tornado. There are no words.....
I ask anyone reading this to pray for the students, faculty, and administration of Union University. They are an amazing group of people with an un-dying faith. Please keep them in your prayers as they attempt to salvage what's left of the University and begin rebuilding.
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