October 4, 2013

Five on Friday

I thought I would go for my first Blog link-up. Look at me, growing up so fast....

So here goes...

I really don't understand all of this pumpkin business.  I must be the only one in the world who does not want my entire meal pumpkin flavored.  

I don't know how many people know this, but I'm seriously obsessed with celebrity gossip.  TMZ is a part of my daily reading.  I say that to say that I am genuinely upset for Khloe Kardashian.  I know I don't know her, but every time I read a story about how Lamar Odom is still a crack head my heart breaks for her.  I know I shouldn't care because I don't know them, but I do. I care.  Did you ever watch Khloe and Lamar? They were so cute!  Just say NO Lamar! Just. Say. NO!

Jackson Lee Splash News Online
So after running a 5k 3 weeks ago, I hurt my foot.  I would rest a few days, run, and it would hurt again.  So I went to a physical therapist the other day.  She basically told me my shoes suck and I run weird (she didn't say it just like that, but that was the gist.) Then she taped me up:
I don't know why I can't get the picture to flip to portrait...

I think being taped up means I'm a legit runner now.  I have to admit, I like the tattoo tape and I like that it makes me look hard core.  Maybe I'll just keep taping up my leg and people will think I'm a runner and then I won't have to actually run!

Lincoln has been in his new daycare for about a month now and I think it's stressing us both out.  Everyday I get a report of something he has done wrong.  While I know that we do need to correct bad behavior, sometimes I just want to say "I can't stop him from being 3."

It really makes me angry when I see skinny people eating junk food and carbs. I feel like if you get to be skinny, then you need to suffer and eat grass, seeds, and nuts to keep your skinniness.  I don't find it fair at all when skinny people eat the same stuff I do and I'm busting out of my clothes while they are all skinny and stuff.  This is a sore spot for me as I work with a lot of cute, skinny little girls. They are all great girls, I just need them to stop shoving their "I can eat whatever I want and still look amazing!" food choices in front of me. 

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